
컨트롤 +F로 검색해보세요...

code *desc

ln12 a+lvl*b

dm12 ((110*lvl) * (b-a))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + a

ln34 a+lvl*b

dm34 ((110*lvl) * (b-a))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + a

ln56 a+lvl*b

dm56 ((110*lvl) * (b-a))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + a

ln78 a+lvl*b

dm78 ((110*lvl) * (b-a))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + a

par1 a

par2 a

par3 a

par4 a

par5 a

par6 a

par7 a

par8 a

lvl skill level

edmn elemental damage min

edmx elemental damage max

edln elemental damage len

toht to hit

mana mana cost

mps mana per second calc

math mastery: to hit

madm mastery: damage

macr mastery: critical

m1en desc missile 1, min elemental dmg

m1ex desc missile 1, max elemental dmg

m1el desc missile 1, elemental length

m2en desc missile 2, min elemental dmg

m2ex desc missile 2, max elemental dmg

m2el desc missile 2, elemental length

m3en desc missile 3, min elemental dmg

m3ex desc missile 3, max elemental dmg

m3el desc missile 3, elemental length

m1rn desc missile 1, range

m2rn desc missile 2, range

m3rn desc missile 3, range

edns elemental damage min, 256ths

edxs elemental damage max, 256ths

ulvl unit level

blvl base skill level

usmc mana cost, 256ths

m1eo desc missile 1, min elem dmg, 256ths

m1ey desc missile 1, max elem dmg, 256ths

m2eo desc missile 2, min elem dmg, 256ths

m2ey desc missile 2, max elem dmg, 256ths

me3o desc missile 3, min elem dmg, 256ths

me3y desc missile 3, max elem dmg, 256ths

enma elemental damage min + mastery

exma elemental damage max + mastery

edma elemental duration + mastery

enms elemental damage min, 256ths + mastery

exms elemental damage max, 256ths + mastery

len auralen field

clc1 calc1 field

clc2 calc2 field

clc3 calc3 field

clc4 calc4 field

rng aurarange field

ast1 aurastat field

ast2 aurastat field

ast3 aurastat field

ast4 aurastat field

ast5 aurastat field

ast6 aurastat field

pst1 passivestat field

pst2 passivestat field

pst3 passivestat field

pst4 passivestat field

pst5 passivestat field

pets petmax field


skill points field



원거리 스킬 수정시 들어가는 코드 - misscalc.txt

code *desc

par1 param1

par2 param2

par3 param3

par4 param4

par5 param5

cpa1 cltparam1

cpa2 cltparam2

cpa3 cltparam3

cpa4 cltparam4

cpa5 cltparam5

hpa1 hitparam1

hpa2 hitparam2

hpa3 hitparam3

chp1 clthitpar1

chp2 clthitpar2

chp3 clthitpar3

dpa1 dmgparam1

dpa2 dmgparam2

lvl missile level

edmn elemental damage min

edmx elemental damage max

edln elemental damage len

edns elemental damage min, 256ths

edxs elemental damage max, 256ths

damn damage min

damx damage max

dmns damage min, 256ths

dmxs damage max, 256ths

rang range

sl12 par1 + (lvl-1) * par2

sd12 ((110*lvl) * (par2-par1))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + par1

sl34 par3 + (lvl-1) * par4

sd34 ((110*lvl) * (par4-par3))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + par3

cl12 cpa1 + (lvl-1) * cpa2

cd12 ((110*lvl) * (cpa2-cpa1))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + cpa1

cl34 cpa3 + (lvl-1) * cpa4

cd34 ((110*lvl) * (cpa4-cpa3))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + cpa3

shl1 hpa1 + (lvl-1) * hpa2

shd1 ((110*lvl) * (hpa2-hpa1))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + hpa1

chl1 chp1 + (lvl-1) * chp2

chd1 ((110*lvl) * (chp2-chp1))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + chp1

dl12 dpa1 + (lvl-1) * dpa2

dd12 ((110*lvl) * (dpa2-dpa1))/(100 * (lvl+6)) + dpa1



스킬이나 아이템에 들어가는 옵션의 명령어 및 의미 - Properties.txt

code stat1 stat2 stat3 stat4 stat5 stat6 stat7 *desc *param *min *max *notes

ac armorclass

ac-miss armorclass_vs_missile

ac-hth armorclass_vs_hth

red-dmg normal_damage_reduction

red-dmg% damageresist

ac% item_armor_percent

red-mag magic_damage_reduction

str strength

dex dexterity

vit vitality

enr energy

mana maxmana

mana% item_maxmana_percent

hp maxhp

hp% item_maxhp_percent

att tohit

block toblock

cold-min coldmindam

cold-max coldmaxdam

cold-len coldlength

fire-min firemindam

fire-max firemaxdam

ltng-min lightmindam

ltng-max lightmaxdam

pois-min poisonmindam

pois-max poisonmaxdam

pois-len poisonlength




dmg-to-mana item_damagetomana

res-fire fireresist

res-fire-max maxfireresist

res-ltng lightresist

res-ltng-max maxlightresist

res-cold coldresist

res-cold-max maxcoldresist

res-mag magicresist

res-mag-max maxmagicresist

res-pois poisonresist

res-pois-max maxpoisonresist

res-all fireresist lightresist coldresist poisonresist

res-all-max maxfireresist maxlightresist maxcoldresist maxpoisonresist

abs-fire% item_absorbfire_percent

abs-fire item_absorbfire

abs-ltng% item_absorblight_percent

abs-ltng item_absorblight

abs-mag% item_absorbmagic_percent

abs-mag item_absorbmagic

abs-cold% item_absorbcold_percent

abs-cold item_absorbcold

dur maxdurability

dur% item_maxdurability_percent

regen hpregen

thorns item_attackertakesdamage

swing1 item_fasterattackrate

swing2 item_fasterattackrate

swing3 item_fasterattackrate

gold% item_goldbonus

mag% item_magicbonus

knock item_knockback

regen-stam staminarecoverybonus

regen-mana manarecoverybonus

stam maxstamina

time item_timeduration

manasteal manadrainmindam

lifesteal lifedrainmindam

ama item_addclassskills

pal item_addclassskills

nec item_addclassskills

sor item_addclassskills

bar item_addclassskills

herb item_doubleherbduration

light item_lightradius

color item_lightcolor

ease item_req_percent

move1 item_fastermovevelocity

move2 item_fastermovevelocity

move3 item_fastermovevelocity

balance1 item_fastergethitrate

balance2 item_fastergethitrate

balance3 item_fastergethitrate

block1 item_fasterblockrate

block2 item_fasterblockrate

block3 item_fasterblockrate

cast1 item_fastercastrate

cast2 item_fastercastrate

cast3 item_fastercastrate

res-pois-len item_poisonlengthresist

dmg item_normaldamage

howl item_howl

stupidity item_stupidity

ignore-ac item_ignoretargetac

reduce-ac item_fractionaltargetac

noheal item_preventheal

half-freeze item_halffreezeduration

att% item_tohit_percent

dmg-ac item_damagetargetac

dmg-demon item_demondamage_percent

dmg-undead item_undeaddamage_percent

att-demon item_demon_tohit

att-undead item_undead_tohit

throw item_throwable

fireskill item_elemskill

allskills item_allskills

light-thorns item_attackertakeslightdamage

freeze item_freeze chance in 128 length in frames

openwounds item_openwounds

crush item_crushingblow

kick item_kickdamage

mana-kill item_manaafterkill

demon-heal item_healafterdemonkill

bloody item_extrablood

deadly item_deadlystrike

slow item_slow

nofreeze item_cannotbefrozen

stamdrain item_staminadrainpct

reanimate item_reanimate

pierce item_pierce

magicarrow item_magicarrow

explosivearrow item_explosivearrow


dru item_addclassskills All Druid Skills

ass item_addclassskills All Assassin Skills

skill item_singleskill

skilltab item_addskill_tab

aura item_aura

att-skill item_skillonattack Proc Skill on Swing Skill # % Chance Level

hit-skill item_skillonhit Proc Skill on Hit Skill # % Chance Level

gethit-skill item_skillongethit Proc Skill on Get Hit Skill # % Chance Level

gembonus Increase chance of finding Gems




sock item_numsockets

dmg-fire firemindam firemaxdam Fire Damage Min Max

dmg-ltng lightmindam lightmaxdam Lightning Damage Min Max

dmg-mag magicmindam magicmaxdam Magic Damge Min Max

dmg-cold coldmindam coldmaxdam coldlength Cold Damage Length (Frames) Min Max

dmg-pois poisonmindam poisonmaxdam poisonlength Poison Damage Length (Frames) Min Max

dmg-throw item_throw_mindamage item_throw_maxdamage Throwing Damage Min Max

dmg-norm mindamage maxdamage Normal Damage Modifier Min Max

ac/lvl item_armor_perlevel AC per Player Level ac/lvl (8ths)

ac%/lvl item_armorpercent_perlevel AC% per Player Level ac%/lvl (8ths)

hp/lvl item_hp_perlevel HP per Player Level hp/lvl (8ths)

mana/lvl item_mana_perlevel Mana per Player Level (8ths)

dmg/lvl item_maxdamage_perlevel Max Damage per Player Level (8ths)

dmg%/lvl item_maxdamage_percent_perlevel Max Damage % per Player Level (8ths)

str/lvl item_strength_perlevel Strength per Player Level (8ths)

dex/lvl item_dexterity_perlevel Dexterity per Player Level (8ths)

enr/lvl item_energy_perlevel Energy per Player Level (8ths)

vit/lvl item_vitality_perlevel Vitality per Player Level (8ths)

att/lvl item_tohit_perlevel Attack per Player Level att/lvl (1)

att%/lvl item_tohitpercent_perlevel Attack% per Player Level att%/lvl (8ths)

dmg-cold/lvl item_cold_damagemax_perlevel Max Cold Damage per Player Level (8ths)

dmg-fire/lvl item_fire_damagemax_perlevel Max Fire Damage per Player Level (8ths)

dmg-ltng/lvl item_ltng_damagemax_perlevel Max Lightning Dmg per Player Level (8ths)

dmg-pois/lvl item_pois_damagemax_perlevel Max Poison Dmg per Player Level (8ths)

res-cold/lvl item_resist_cold_perlevel Resist Cold% per Player Level (8ths)

res-fire/lvl item_resist_fire_perlevel Resist Fire% per Player Level (8ths)

res-ltng/lvl item_resist_ltng_perlevel Resist Lightning% per Player Level (8ths)

res-pois/lvl item_resist_pois_perlevel Resist Poison% per Player Level (8ths)

abs-cold/lvl item_absorb_cold_perlevel Absorb Cold Dmg per Player Level (8ths)

abs-fire/lvl item_absorb_fire_perlevel Absorb Fire Dmg per Player Level (8ths)

abs-ltng/lvl item_absorb_ltng_perlevel Absorb Lightning Dmg per Player Lvl (8ths)

abs-pois/lvl item_absorb_pois_perlevel Absorb Poison Dmg per Player Lvl (8ths)

thorns/lvl item_thorns_perlevel Damage to Attacker per Player Lvl (8ths)

gold%/lvl item_find_gold_perlevel +% Gold Dropped per Player Lvl (8ths)

mag%/lvl item_find_magic_perlevel +% Magical per Player Lvl (8ths)

regen-stam/lvl item_regenstamina_perlevel +% Stamina Regeneration per Player Lvl (8ths)

stam/lvl item_stamina_perlevel Stamina per Player Level (8ths)

dmg-dem/lvl item_damage_demon_perlevel Damage to Demons % per Player Level (8ths)

dmg-und/lvl item_damage_undead_perlevel Damage to Undead % per Player Level (8ths)

att-dem/lvl item_tohit_demon_perlevel Attack Demons + per Player Level att/lvl (1)

att-und/lvl item_tohit_undead_perlevel Attack Undead + per Player Level att/lvl (1)

crush/lvl item_crushingblow_perlevel +% Chance of Crushing Blow per Player Level (8ths)

wounds/lvl item_openwounds_perlevel +% Chance of Open Wounds per Player Level (8ths)

kick/lvl item_kick_damage_perlevel Kick Damage per Player Level (8ths)

deadly/lvl item_deadlystrike_perlevel +% Chance of Deadly Strike per Player Level (8ths)

gems%/lvl +% Chance of finding Gems per Player Level (8ths)

rep-dur item_replenish_durability regenerates durability speed (see note) regenerates 1 durability point per 100/lvl seconds

rep-quant item_replenish_quantity regenerates quantity speed (see note) regenerates 1 quantity per 100/lvl seconds

stack item_extra_stack Increased stack size min count max count none

item% +% Chance of finding item item type min chance max chance random chance from min to max is assigned to item

dmg-slash Slashing Damage min max random amount from min to max is assigned to item

dmg-slash% Slashing Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item

dmg-crush Crush Damage min max random amount from min to max is assigned to item

dmg-crush% Crush Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item

dmg-thrust Thrust Damage min max random amount from min to max is assigned to item

dmg-thrust% Thrust Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item

abs-slash Absorb Slashing Damage min amt max amt random amount from min to max is assigned to item

abs-crush Absorb Crushing Damage min amt max amt random amount from min to max is assigned to item

abs-thrust Absorb Thrusting Damage min amt max amt random amount from min to max is assigned to item

abs-slash% Absorb Slashing Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item

abs-crush% Absorb Crushing Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item

abs-thrust% Absorb Thrusting Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item

ac/time item_armor_bytime AC / time increment (0=day, 1=dusk, 2=night, 3=dawn) center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

ac%/time item_armorpercent_bytime AC% / time increment (8 periods) center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

hp/time item_hp_bytime HP / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

mana/time item_mana_bytime Mana / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg/time item_maxdamage_bytime Max Damage / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg%/time item_maxdamage_percent_bytime Max Damage % / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

str/time item_strength_bytime Strength / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dex/time item_dexterity_bytime Dexterity / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

enr/time item_energy_bytime Energy / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

vit/time item_vitality_bytime Vitality / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

att/time item_tohit_bytime To hit / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

att%/time item_tohitpercent_bytime To Hit % / time increment center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg-cold/time item_cold_damagemax_bytime Cold Damage Max / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg-fire/time item_fire_damagemax_bytime Fire Damage Max / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg-ltng/time item_ltng_damagemax_bytime Lightning Damage Max / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg-pois/time item_pois_damagemax_bytime Poison Damage Max / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

res-cold/time item_resist_cold_bytime Resist Cold / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

res-fire/time item_resist_fire_bytime Resist Fire / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

res-ltng/time item_resist_ltng_bytime Resist Lightning / time inc center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

res-pois/time item_resist_pois_bytime Resist Poison / time inc center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

abs-cold/time item_absorb_cold_bytime Absorb Cold / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

abs-fire/time item_absorb_fire_bytime Absorb Fire / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

abs-ltng/time item_absorb_ltng_bytime Absorb Lightning / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

abs-pois/time item_absorb_pois_bytime Absorb Poison / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

gold%/time item_find_gold_bytime Find Gold Amt % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

mag%/time item_find_magic_bytime Find Magic % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

regen-stam/time item_regenstamina_bytime % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

stam/time item_stamina_bytime Stamina / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg-dem/time item_damage_demon_bytime Damage to Demons % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

dmg-und/time item_damage_undead_bytime Damage to Undead % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

att-dem/time item_tohit_demon_bytime To Hit Demons % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

att-und/time item_tohit_undead_bytime To Hit Undead % / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

crush/time item_crushingblow_bytime % chance of Crushing Blow / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

wounds/time item_openwounds_bytime +% chance of Open Wounds / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

kick/time item_kick_damage_bytime Kick Damage / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

deadly/time item_deadlystrike_bytime +% chance of Deadly Strike / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

gems%/time +% chance of finding Gems / time inc. center period min max max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression

pierce-fire passive_fire_pierce Negates % of Enemy Cold Resistance min max

pierce-ltng passive_ltng_pierce Negates % of Enemy Fire Resistance min max

pierce-cold passive_cold_pierce Negates % of Enemy Lightning Resistance min max

pierce-pois passive_pois_pierce Negates % of Enemy Poison Resistance min max

dmg-mon Damage vs. specific Monster Type monster min max

dmg%-mon Damage % vs. specific Monster Type monster min max

att-mon To Hit vs. specific Monster Type monster min max

att%-mon To Hit % vs. specific Monster Type monster min max

ac-mon AC vs. specific Monster Type monster min max

ac%-mon AC% vs. specific Monster Type monster min max

indestruct Indestructible

charged item_charged_skill Charged Skill skill charges level

extra-fire passive_fire_mastery

extra-ltng passive_ltng_mastery

extra-cold passive_cold_mastery

extra-pois passive_pois_mastery

dmg-elem firemindam firemaxdam lightmindam lightmaxdam coldmindam coldmaxdam coldlength

dmg-elem-min firemindam lightmindam coldmindam

dmg-elem-max firemaxdam lightmaxdam coldmaxdam coldlength

all-stats strength energy dexterity vitality

addxp item_addexperience additional xp gain

heal-kill item_healafterkill life gained after each kill

cheap item_reducedprices reduces vendor prices min max none

rip item_restinpeace slain monsters' corpses can't be used 1 1 none

att-mon% attack_vs_montype attack% vs. monster type mon type min max

dmg-mon% damage_vs_montype damage% vs. monster type mon type min max

kill-skill item_skillonkill Proc Skill on killing something Skill # % Chance Level

death-skill item_skillondeath Proc Skill on getting killed Skill # % Chance Level

levelup-skill item_skillonlevelup Proc Skill on level up Skill # % Chance Level

skill-rand item_singleskill Bonus to random skill Level min Skill # max Skill #

fade fade only use on monprop fade type

levelreq item_levelreq


oskill item_nonclassskill Skill min level max level none

state state state



무기종류 코드 - Weaponclass.txt

Weapon Class Code

Hand To Hand hth

Bow bow

1 Hand Swing 1hs

1 Hand Thrust 1ht

Staff stf

2 Hand Swing 2hs

2 Hand Thrust 2ht

Crossbow xbw

Left Jab Right Swing 1js

Left Jab Right Thrust 1jt

Left Swing Right Swing 1ss

Left Swing Right Thrust 1st

One Hand-to-Hand ht1

Two Hand-to-Hand ht2



몬스터의 모션 코드 - monmode.txt

name token code

death DT DT

neutral NU NU

walk WL WL

gethit GH GH

attack1 A1 A1

attack2 A2 A2

block BL BL

cast SC SC

skill1 S1 S1

skill2 S2 S2

skill3 S3 S3

skill4 S4 S4

dead DD DD

knockback GH KB

sequence xx xx

run RN RN



플레이어 모션 코드

- PlrMode.txt

Name Token Code

Death DT DT

Neutral NU NU

Walk WL WL


Get Hit GH GH

Town Neutral TN TN

Town Walk TW TW

Attack1 A1 A1

Attack2 A2 A2

Block BL BL

Cast SC SC

Throw TH TH

Kick KK KK

Skill1 S1 S1

Skill2 S2 S2

Skill3 S3 S3

Skill4 S4 S4

Dead DD DD

Sequence GH SQ

Knock back GH KB



아이템의 공격성격을 결정하는 코드 - hitclass.txt

Hit Class Code

Hand To Hand hth

One Hand Swing vs. Small 1hss

One Hand Swing vs. Large 1hsl

Two Hand Swing vs. Small 2hss

Two Hand Swing vs. Large 2hsl

One Hand Thrust 1ht

Two Hand Thrust 2ht

Club club

Staff staf

Bow bow

Crossbow xbow

Claw claw

Overlay over

용병의 특수타입을 결정하는 코드 - hiredesc.txt

Hireling Description Code

Fire Arrow farw

Cold Arrow carw

Combat comb

Defensive Auras def

Offensive Auras off

Fire Spells fire

Cold Spells cold

Lightning Spells ltng

소환수의 타입을 결정하는 코드 - ElemTypes.txt

Elemental Type Code

Fire fire

Lightning ltng

Magic mag

Cold cold

Poison pois

Life Drain life

Mana Drain mana

Stamina Drain stam

Stun stun

Random rand

Burning burn

Freeze frze



소환수의 타입을 결정하는 코드 - ElemTypes.txt

Elemental Type Code

Fire fire

Lightning ltng

Magic mag

Cold cold

Poison pois

Life Drain life

Mana Drain mana

Stamina Drain stam

Stun stun

Random rand

Burning burn

Freeze frze




아이템의 dcc 에니메이션(성분)을 결정하는 코드 - Composit.txt

Name Token

Head HD

Torso(갑옷류) TR

Legs LG

RightArm RA

LeftArm LA

RightHand RH

LeftHand LH

Shield SH

Special1 S1

Special2 S2

Special3 S3

Special4 S4

Special5 S5

Special6 S6

Special7 S7

Special8 S8




아이템 dcc 에니메이션(성분)을 결정하는 나머지 코드 - compcode.txt

component code

nil nil

light lit

medium med

heavy hev

heavy hvy

skarmor des

roguearmor/brhead brv

axe axe

flail fla

handaxe hax

mace mac

scimitar scm

buckler buc

large shield lrg

kite shield kit

small shield sml

long sword lsd

wand wnd

short sword ssd

club clb

torch tch

battleaxe btx

halberd hal

large axe lax

maul mau

scythe scy

war hammer whm

whip whp

javelin jav

exploding pot opl

gas potion gpl

short bow sbw

long bow lbw

long battle bow lbb

short battle bow sbb

pike pik

spear spr

trident tri

falchion flc

saber sbr

glaive glv

poleaxe pax

broad sword bsd

flamberge flb

waraxe wax

warscythe wsc

warsword wsd

claymore clm

dk weapon smc

skmage fire fir

skmage ltng lht

skmage cold cld

skmage pois pos

dk rh spell rsp

dk lh spell lsp

dk unholy unh

dk part rsg

misc part 1 bld

misc part 2 shr

misc part 3 lhr

misc part 4 hbd

misc part 5 tkt

headress1 bab

headress2 pha

headress3 fan

headress4 pon

zealot head 1 hd1

zealot head 2 hd2

zealot head 3 hd3

zealot head 4 hd4

zealot torso 1 zz1

zealot torso 2 zz2

zealot torso 3 zz3

zealot torso 4 zz4

zealot torso 5 zz5

zealot torso 6 zz6

zealot torso 7 zz7

flying scim red

thornhulkhead2 th2

thornhulkhead3 th3

thornhulkhead4 th4

thornhulkhead5 th5

fetish weap 1 fbl

fetish weap 2 fsp

young npc head yng

old npc head old

bearded npc head brd

goatee npc head got

npc part 1 fez

npc part 2 rol

npc part 3 bsk

npc part 4 buk

npc part 5 sak

npc part 6 ban

npc part 7 fsh

npc part 8 snk

fem brown hair brn

fem black hair blk

fem npc leg 1 srt

fem npc leg 2 lng

fem npc leg 3 dln

fem npc tor 1 btp

fem npc tor 2 mtp

fem npc tor 3 stp

fem npc tor 4 svt

dk head 1 col

dk head 2 hod

dk head 3 hrn

siege beast tr lnk

siege beast s1 tur

siege beast s3 mlk

full helm fhm

great helm ghm

pow hand bhn

pow head hed



아이템 착용시 위치를 설정하는 코드 - bodylocs.txt

Body Location Code

Head head

Neck neck

Torso(갑옷류) tors

Right Arm rarm

Left Arm larm

Right Ring rrin

Left Ring lrin

Belt belt

Feet feet

Gloves glov


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